Moving in Rhythm
– drumming, mindfulness, and community building –

Phil uses drums, rhythms, and storytelling
to teach reading comprehension strategies!

– Moving in Rhythm –

Phil combines the best parts of his Story Reading program and his Mindfulness program for this special presentation on drumming, mindfulness, and community building.

He begins with the classic Rudyard Kipling tale about how the elephant got its trunk - complete with drums, interactive rhythm activities, and think-aloud games. He also tells sound stories, made up entirely of sound effects. As the students hear thunderstorms, barking dogs, and race cars, they learn to connect their knowledge of sequence, inference, and prediction, to the sounds in their world.

Throughout the program, Phil also shows students his mindfulness breathing exercises for emotional balance, focused listening, and successful learning. The students learn these exercises while sitting down, as well as standing up - with the entire student body moving together in a community building activity with music!

As an added bonus, Phil gives your teachers a free downloadable CD with all of his musical mindfulness activities for their classrooms!


Assemblies - for two 45-minute presentations within a 2-hour timeframe:

  • $1,200 (regular price)
  • $975 (prepayment price)
  • There is an additional travel charge for schools more than 1 hour from downtown Sacramento, California.


    During the presentation, Phil includes interactive games from his website that reinforce listening, memory, and comprehension skills.

    Sequencing with Simon

    Inference Riddles


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